Journal: Paul is Dead—A Bacon of Hope
Did you know that Paul Quarrington died of lung cancer a few years ago? Of course you didn’t, because you have no fucking idea who Paul Quarrington was. But even if you did know who Paul Quarrington was you certainly wouldn’t have known that he died of lung cancer a few years ago, because if…
Comedy: The Signs, They Are a-Changin’
On the day I was born I remember very clearly the first words spoken to me: “Son, you are a Scorpio. Don’t let it go to your head.”
Comedy: On Aggregators
An aggregator is a website that lets you bypass the free and diverse dream of the Internet to be more efficiently fed only the content your peers have selected for you in advance.
Comedy: Advice Column
Originally written for a now-defunct feminist zine called Buttercup, where I was tasked with providing a male perspective under the title: The Scrote of Wisdom.
Comedy: Dear Girl
Once you see me soaring through the air like a gazelle, there’s no way you’ll be able to resist my awkward advances.
Journal: This Sandwich is Delicious!
I know a thing or two about the topic, and this is one crazy badass sandwich. I’ve never enjoyed such a rich and varied flood of overwhelming, yet harmonious flavors. Not in a sandwich, and not in anything else. The first thing I did when I began to chew that first bite was call my…
Comedy: Photoshop Tutorial
Today we learn how to be a proper badass.
Comedy: Dating Tape
Hey pretty girl, did you go to college?